Glass containers or plastic ones? Which one is better? This question has been asked by many. In this article, let's discuss the pros and cons of both glass and plastic containers.
● Glass containers
The number of benefits of glass containers for kitchen are innumerable. They are crystal clear and their transparency makes identifying food items pretty easy. For instance, if you plan to store dry fruits, masalas or even cooked food in glass containers it becomes very convenient to identify them when you need to use them.
Not just this glass does not react with other elements. This is the reason why you can easily store food in glass containers without worrying about it reacting with other food elements. Glass food storage containers are highly sustainable. It is inert and one hundred percent recyclable.
Glass food storage containers for kitchen, unlike plastic containers, are vastly recyclable, reusable and refillable. Glass is very safe to store food and drinks. It is inert, impermeable and very stable. Glass containers don't get damaged when you store warm food in it which makes it safe for storing warm and hot cooked foodstuff.
● Plastic containers
On the other hand, plastic containers are very comfortable to travel with they are light in weight and can be used while travelling without fear of breaking. However, the issue with plastic containers is that they are harmful to the environment and sometimes react with foodstuffs making it harmful for people.
The problem with plastic containers is that they cannot be recycled. Also, it sometimes cannot be disposed of easily. This becomes a problem for people around and is hazardous for the environment.
● The verdict
Kitchen storage containers are generally made with plastic however, most of the plastic containers are not transparent which makes it difficult to identify the things stored in it. That's why it's certain that glass containers are better than plastic containers because glass is much safer than plastic. Glass does not react with foodstuff and it's very easy to identify the stored food in it. Glass is completely recyclable and does not cause any harm to nature. This is one of the most important reasons why glass kitchen storage containers and other types of glass containers are widely used throughout the world instead of plastic food containers. This is because nowadays, people are more considerate towards Mother Nature and want to do their bit to keep it safe.